If we’re friends on Facebook, and you have a business of some sort, and I (or your other friends ) don’t know about it, you’re fucking up.
We want freedom now, but we’re not going to get it saying “We shall overcome.” We’ve got to fight until we overcome. — Malcolm X Twelve years earlier On 3…
If you are worried about whether or not brown rice or white rice matter for your fat loss goals, you might be asking the wrong questions.
Vegans rejoice! There is a meal replacement just for you. And it doesn’t suck.
You can have your Sunday spaghetti and your gains, too. Just ditch the lame ass meal plans.
Pizza is undoubtedly one of the best superfoods you can eat. You just don’t know it yet. Call Domino’s and give it a read.
Your friends suck at giving weight loss advice. For some reason, it still works. What’s up with that?
“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.”—Attributed to Marie Antoinette Genetically modified foods (GMOs) are safe. If you don’t know, now you know. So what is the big deal about organic food as…
Four exercises to help you forge an ass worthy of being called Isildur’s Bane.